28 September, 2009

Interesting Development in the Area of Education

King Abdullah University of Science and Techno...Image via Wikipedia
According to this report, Saudi Arabia has set up a new multi-billion dollar research university, The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). The research university will run as a co-educational nature on the promise of scientific freedom.

According to the report, KAUST is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories, the world's 14th fastest supercomputer, and one of the biggest endowments worldwide.

The campus is located along the Red Sea coast about 80km north of the commercial centre of Jeddah.

KAUST will have a 'Mixed-gender' classes. The new university also will not require women to wear veils or cover their faces, and they will be able to mix freely with men. They will also be allowed to drive, a taboo in a country where women must literally take a back seat to their male drivers.

All of this seemed to be made possible in Saudi Arabia only in the name of scientific quest.

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