25 October, 2009

Tambang Fares

Originally uploaded by wanhashim

Just captured this picture yesterday and oh boy the rate is so cheap. "Tambang" is a small boat service to cross the Sarawak River. It is a convenient way of commuting to and fro for both sides of the river. Each side of the river has its own attraction. One side is water front and the other sides are mostly residential area, new Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) building, Palace, etc.

In case that you have the opportunity to travel to Kuching, make sure that you try the "Tambang" boat. Most of hotels are located near the water front and the Tambang is a convenient way to walk around the city and visit the new DUN building.
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Lisa said...

I crossed the river once many years ago and every time I was in Kuching since then I wanted to cross again but did not have the chance. But enjoyed watching the river life.

Unknown said...

Ocean Girl: Recently, the new DUN building has been completed and that may be a good reason for some people to try crossing the river using the tambang to visit the magnificent building.

Unknown said...

That's awesome! :)